Back in the 90s, a hat style rocked the fashion world. It was that of the snapback hat. Oversized T-shirts, baggy jeans – necessary elements of the hip-hop style – were worn by everyone. You didn't have to be a rapper or a hip-hop artist to want to stake your claim to as much street cred as possible. The snapback helped a lot toward that end.
Well, the snapback is… back. With contemporary clothing, you can appear edgy and stylish while wearing your snapback. With the following tips and suggestions, you’ll be able to avoid fashion faux pas and wear that hat like a boss!
When's the Best Time for Your Snapback?
Not necessarily for business or formal settings, you may appear improper or underdressed if you wear your snapback at the wrong time. But for general weekend activities and relaxed outings, they are perfect. In fact, snapbacks are one of the best accessories known to mankind. You will be sure to have the appropriate outfit on if, before walking out the door, you think about who's going to attend the function you're on your way to and exactly what type of outing it is.
Good Rules of Thumb
When wearing a snapback, follow these suggestions:
- For an edgy, informal style, it's okay to consider wearing your snapback backwards (though this is frowned upon by certain sources). For a sharp and classic casual look, however, wear it forward.
- Boldly colored snapbacks go best with outfits that are more subdued.
- Based on your personality, outfit, and style, choose your snapback's style and color.
- If you're going to wear a hat with a sport logo, be sure the team is one that you root for, believe in, or at least know something about.
- Wear your snapback with confidence. Shy or introverted individuals may do better with different styles other than the snapback.
Snapback Fashion Faux Pas
The following should not be done when wearing your snapback hat.
- Not everybody can pull off the snapback look. Some people just appear better in other styles and should stick to those.
- With rare exception, business or formalwear should not be paired with your hat. Casual outfits are best.
- Depending on whom you talk to, wearing your snapback off to the side is a no-go these days.
- The rules have changed since hip-hop days, so try not to look like a walking fashion throwback unless that's really what you're going for.
- On those same lines, it isn't fashionable anymore to bend your snapback's peak. You may appear awkward or just “wrong” if you bend that nice flat brim. If you insist on wearing this type of look, a baseball cap style that looks better with a curved visor might be more suited to your fashion sense.
- Pulling a ponytail through this back of your snapback is out. In an urban-meets-bohemian appearance, simply let it hang loose if you have a lengthy mane.
Where to Find Your Snapback
At Hat Heaven, we carry the snapback hat you've been searching for, whether you're a mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, child – what have you – there’s something for everybody. Shop at Hat Heaven today!