There are two kinds of people in this world – those who wear hats and those who don't. It boils down to those two, basically. For the hat wearers, there are those who wear hats occasionally (when it's cold, to sporting events, on bad hair days, etc.), and those who you swear never take their hats off for any lengthy period of time. Maybe in the shower. Then again, they have to wash their hat sometime, so…

Should You Be Wearing a Hat?
If you are not a hat wearer, give it a little reconsideration, if you will. There are lots of great reasons to wear a hat. There's even a handful of reasons to wear one all year long – not just when it's cold.
Here, we’re going to try to make a convincing argument as to why, all year long, you should wear your hat. In the first place, they offer sun protection, and there is sun for most of the year throughout most of the world. They are also fashionable, provided you have fashion sense with which to choose and wear a hat.
Here are other reasons why hats can and should be worn all year long.
Hat Wearing Reasons
With lots of hats to choose from, your options consist of far more than the old standby – baseball caps. On the other hand, there's a lot to be said for baseball caps because they come in handy for so many different occasions. They are more than just something to wear to a baseball game.
As promised, here are a handful of reasons why you should go ahead and wear a hat 365 days a year:
- Fashion conscious individuals will love to accent their unique style through the use of a hat. The right hat can be coupled with any outfit.
- You'll actually stay cooler in the summer if you wear a hat (provided it's the right kind). No really! Rather than the sun blasting down on your poor, overheated head, you will stay cooler because the sun's hot rays will be deflected by your hat. Make sure you wear a hat that breathes.
- Though wearing a hat may keep you cooler in summer, the right hat will keep you warmer in winter and other cooler months. Straight out of the top of your head, the amount of body heat that escapes is approximately 5 to 10%. The right hat will also discourage frostbite from invading your ears.
- You can look more polished with a hat as well as providing a more "finished" look. Hats even make casual outfits look better.
- For those who thought that hats make you go bald (particularly if you wear them all the time), that has been shown to be a myth. Don't believe us? Check with the US News and World Report. Since you won't be going bald because you're wearing a hat, you might as well wear one.
- As already mentioned, the sun's damaging rays can be protected against by the wearing of a hat. If you're going to the beach, you’ll look amazing with a stylish wide-brimmed straw hat. Not going to the beach? You'll still look amazing!
Ready to Wear That Hat Yet?
When you are ready to wear a hat, there are few better places to search for one than at Hat Heaven. Regardless of hairstyle, gender, your favorite music, team, or sport – we carry the style and type of hat you're looking for. Not into sports? No problem. We have hats that have nothing to do with sports, whatsoever. Shop at Hat Heaven today!