When you buy a baseball cap new, as opposed to picking one up at a yard sale, it will likely have straight, flat bill. The shape of the hat and band will be relatively uniform, just like all of the other hats made in the particular batch from which came. With the exception of fitted caps, adult hat bands are pretty much the same size. Again, unless the head is fitted, the size can be adjusted by a strap in the back of the cap.
You may have heard people say that they need to "shape their cap”. To what are they referring? There are actually two different scenarios involved to the shaping of baseball caps and we’re going to look at both of them here. There are also methods of doing so.

Shaping Baseball Caps
Both of these make the hat look and feel more comfortable and give it a sense of personalization:
- Shaping the actual cap itself is one scenario of cap shaping.
- The other involves shaping or curbing the bill of the cap.
Shaping the Brim
When it comes to the brim of your hat, there are various styles. Some people, though it's not particularly advisable in a fashion sense, like the bill of their baseball cap to stay flat. Many come this way right from the store.
But if the bill of your hat was curved to begin with, you can straighten it out by doing the following:
- Get out your iron and ironing board. Put your hat on the ironing board and place a cloth over the bill. Exert enough pressure with the iron that it flattens the bill. Keep going until it's as straight as you want it.
Curving the bill of your baseball cap:
First, get the bill of your cap damp. From here there are a couple of ways to go about achieving a nice curve, depending on the severity you're looking for…
- Some individuals wrap the bill around a baseball and then secure it with a rubber band or rope. For couple of days, or at least overnight, let the hat air dry.
- For a less severe curve, try inserting the bill of your cap into a coffee can by rolling it and then gradually releasing it inside the can. Once again, the bill of your hat should be damp before you do this and should then be allowed to air dry completely.
Voilà you have the perfect curved bill on your new baseball cap!
Shaping The Hat To Your Head
This couldn’t be easier – get at least the hat portion of your baseball cap damp (you may already have shaped the bill but should probably wait until after this is done for that step). You may even decide to step into the shower with the hat on your head. Once it's damp and on your head, simply wear it around the house or outside until it's completely dry. The hat will shape itself perfectly to your head.
Curved Or Straight – Get Your Baseball Cap At That Hat Heaven
At Hat Heaven, depending on the cap you buy, bills come pre-curved or flat. It's up to you to decide how much curve you want, if any, and go from there. As an example, our Los Angeles Lakers Black Gold Metal Badge New Era 59FIFTY Fitted Cap comes with a bill that is completely flat and straight. On the other hand, you will find that our dad hats all come with curved bills – many having a distressed look. Whichever you prefer, we've got what you’re looking for at Hat Heaven. Before you buy a hat anywhere else, shop our impressive inventory today.