December 6, 2021

Is It True That Wearing Caps Cause Hair Loss?

It's no secret that the prospect of hair loss and baldness is something all men fear, especially in the age of short hairstyles and shaved heads. Are they related? Is it true that wearing caps cause hair loss? The truth may surprise you, or it may not! Keep reading to find out more. Here's what we know about caps and balding so far.

Is it true wearing caps causes hair loss

Under normal circumstances, we put on caps throughout the day, often only removing them when we get home. Throughout this duration, sweat buids up inside the cap and diffuses into our skin from the inner lining, especially in summer; often causing an itch. So, the very cap which protects our heads from sun damage, also causes irritation. These are some of the reasons why many people think wearing caps cause hair loss. How much of it is true? Do these reasons make any scientific sense?

Debunking the Myth

Caps do not cause hair loss. The source of your concern comes from a scientific concept called telogen effluvium, or TE for short. It is a condition in which you experience increased shedding and thinning, but it has nothing to do with headwear. It could be caused by any number of factors: menopause, hypothyroidism, dieting, or medication that has side effects affecting hair growth. While there is no definitive proof that wearing caps cause TE, it probably shares a little responsibility if you've noticed increased hair shedding after donning headgear, such as baseball caps. If you're experiencing hair loss due to TE, it should show improvement within two months, after your doctor treats whatever is causing it.

Causes of Hair Loss

Most of us experience a lot of hair loss for any number of reasons. Factors that may contribute to baldness and thinning of hair include excessive exposure to heat and/or chemicals, improper hair care, or side effects from medication. While most hair loss cases are temporary, there are some cases where it is permanent, which requires immediate attention from your physician. Additional haircare treatments can help prevent excessive hair loss if done in a timely manner.

Do Caps Damage Your Hairline?

Caps damaging your hairline is a common myth that has persisted over time, but there’s no truth to it. There is no link between wearing caps and hair loss. Caps can help reduce friction on your hairline by giving you a cushion from your headgear or helmet during physical activity. Remember that even though caps have not been proven to cause hair loss, they still can cause some side effects, such as damage to cuticles and split hairs.

Wearing caps does not cause hair loss. The matter has been studied at length, and it has been suggested that wearing caps could potentially accelerate hair growth. While the matter has fueled much debate over the years, ultimately, it’s your decision if wearing a cap will affect your hairline. For what it's worth, studies have shown that caps have no bearing on the risk of hair loss. In some organizations, caps are actively encouraged, including the military and sports team, where the caps form a distinctive part of their uniform. There's also no scientific evidence supporting damaged hair follicles and a resulting loss of hair. The only known reason for hair loss is genetics, not something easily mitigated. It makes perfect sense, since baldness is caused by sensitivity to the hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which no one has control over. So don’t second guess yourself just because of myths and old wives’ tales.

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