Have you ever noticed that some people can get away with almost any style or article of clothing? Others have to struggle to find their niche where fashion is concerned. Even if they find a good look, not every article of clothing included in a certain style goes well with their build, complexion, age, etc. If you are a fan of snapback caps, but think you look a little dorky when you wear one, we've got good news for you. We can give you some tips on how to pull off that look in stunning style!

The Snapback Cap
Back in 1958, the Brooklyn Excelsiors rocked the iconic snapback style that didn't actually hit the everyday streets until 1980 – 1990. Now, it's a look that’s not only comfortable but exceedingly fashionable. Perhaps you're not sure that it fits your style. Maybe you’re doubtful as to whether it goes with the clothes you usually wear. Here are some tips as to how to pull off the snapback look with style.
Which Snapback Is Right for You?
Take a close look at the cap you're planning to wear. Do you like the design and style? The good news is that they come in varying styles and colors. That means that, before you go out and buy your hat, you'll want to figure out what type will be best for you.
The next thing you’re going to do is make sure that the hat you have picked will fit you correctly. Some brands actually have a different fit than others, even though they’re basically one-size-fits-most.
Matching Your Style With The Way You Wear Your Cap
Take a close look at the clothing you'll be wearing with your snapback. Subtle changes in wearing methods and outfits can mean the difference between your “look” working or failing. Check out these looks/styles:
- Smart casual – The snapback is actually perfect for the smart casual look. Choose a minimal design to pull this off and blend it with a button up shirt and your chinos, and you're good to go.
- Urban style – This is laid-back and easy. Wear your snapback with a slogan shirt with bright colors or a bomber jacket. Even with the brighter shades, you'll portray a more relaxed look that contrasts hip-hop trends (see below) that use darker shades.
- Hip-Hop – Choose the right style outfit and you can rock the hip-hop look with your snapback. Some people are of the opinion that the snapback was made for the hip-hop outfit! To get an iconic edge, for example, choose a black snapback with white embroidery.
Beware of the Snapback Faux Pas
There are many styles that work well with the snapback. Depending on whom you talk to, however, they can clash with certain looks/occasions. The wrong impression may be given off, for example, if, to a formal affair, you wear a snapback. It's debatable but think twice before you do it.
Wearing your snapback backwards or forwards (or sideways) may signify a certain style, but it is frowned upon in certain circles. Think about what you're trying to portray.
If you're going for the dad hat, don't mistake it for the snapback. They are two horses of different colors! Click here for an example of a dad hat.
Hat Heaven has more snapback caps than you can even imagine. Peruse our impressive selection today and pick the one (or several) that's perfect for you.