December 6, 2021

How Snapback Caps Are Different From Baseball Caps

Although they may look similar at first glance, snapback caps are not the same as baseball caps. However, snapback caps are more versatile than baseball caps because they can be worn in any season, while baseball caps are more appropriate in the summer months. You can also find snapback hats with emblems or patterns that aren't available on baseball caps, making them a versatile addition to your wardrobe. Use these tips to learn more about this type of cap and how it differs from the classic baseball cap you're so used to seeing on everyone from coaches to pro athletes.

Girl Wearing Baseball Cap

The Brim

Baseball caps and snapbacks have similar brims, with snapbacks having rounded tops and baseball caps more often having straight sides. Snapbacks also tend to be longer than baseball caps, meaning they go further down your forehead, but both types still provide protection from sun and rain alike.


Snapbacks have a slanted front, while baseball caps have a curved top.


Snapback caps feature a flat bill that covers less of your face than a baseball cap, which can sometimes fall over your eyes, while snapbacks' bills are flatter and sit closer to your brow line.


Snapbacks tend to be thinner and lighter than baseball caps, even when they feature several layers of fabric in their design.


Snapback caps tend to be more unique in design than traditional baseball caps. The crown of a baseball cap has six panels, whereas snapbacks have eight panels. This gives snapbacks an 8-shaped dome profile, which provides for a tighter fit around your head and face than traditional baseball caps, making them feel more secure. Snapbacks also commonly feature two colored panels on top, with one panel behind them. This creates a bolder look than you typically see in traditional caps, because of how cleanly they separate into color palettes, that isn't always possible with just one color or texture on each section of material without creating too much contrast or blending evenly.


Most baseball caps feature a tight-fitting, plastic snap in front, whereas snapback caps close with a cloth or leather strap that offers a more relaxed fit and increased comfort.


Most baseball caps are made from 100% cotton, designed to look worn and weathered for an authentic, retro style. Snapbacks are most often made from polyester blends or wool instead of cotton, though some high-end brands offer leather options. Snapbacks also tend to have vintage details like vintage logos and now defunct teams printed on them, rather than present-day teams for a throwback look.

Wear Style

Snapbacks are generally worn frontward facing, while baseball caps can be flipped or tilted in either direction, although most style rules recommend you not turn them backward. Snapbacks are often worn in a diagonal position so that part of it covers your forehead. A baseball cap can also cover up your forehead, but you'll want to wear it with its peak pointing towards 10 o'clock on your head.


A snapback usually has a removable sticker to support sports teams, causes, or even countries that are not necessarily part of its logo.

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